content (drawings)
“Content” is a metalinguistic proposal that explores the possible limits of perception and the assimilation of the artistic fact through what could be defined as visual haikus, or even visual koans. Everyday objects, unresolved situations, metamorphosis and quotes from universally recognized works are presented as aerial views of small Zen gardens, wherein the challenge consists in their frugality, synthesis and austerity - all essential qualities in achieving an equilibrium/disequilibrium which starts from a quiet reserve, without thereby losing the possibility of the playful and the anecdotal.
Vomiting always soothes, particularly if what was ingested was a sumptuous baroque supper. On the other hand, this sensation of well-being comes into being more through the absence of an appetite, where the consumed and the offered maintain a clear and precise relation. Nothing turns back; the way is in only one direction; there is no waste; and if there is, such waste is a work in and of itself.